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实验室关于通过WO3-x光阳极缺陷工程提高生物电池的稳定性的最新成果发表在JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY
2023-07-11 19:30  

近日,实验室李刚勇老师通过通过具有氧空位(Ov)和胆红素氧化酶催化生物阴极的WO3-x光阳极制备了一种能够在无燃料模型中长期运行的BPEC的论文发表在Journal Of Energy Chemistry.

Bio-photoelectrochemical cells (BPECs) can further expand the use of conventional biofuel cells for renewable energy, but the poor stability of the photoelectrode still hinders their practical application. Herein, a BPEC capable of long-term operating in a fuel-free model is fabricated by WO3-x photoanode with oxygen vacancy (Ov) and bilirubin oxidase catalyzed biocathode. The construction of Ov on the WO3 surface significantly suppresses the dissolution of W species into the electrolyte, and improves the charge separation efficiency and the reaction kinetics during the photoelectrochemical oxygen evo-lution process, thus enhancing the stability and power output performance of the BPEC. As a result, the assembled BPEC can output an open circuit voltage of 0.81 V and deliver a maximum output power of up to 283 lW cm ⠁2. Impressively, the BPECs maintain 97% of their original power after 36000 s of con-secutive discharge under an enclosed environment. This fuel-free BPEC based on a robust WO3-xphotoan-ode shows excellent promise for accurate application.(c) 2023 Science Press and Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by ELSEVIER B.V. and Science Press.

论文题目:Enhancing long-term stability of bio-photoelectrochemical cell by defect engineering of a WO3-x photoanode.

论文作者:Cheng Zhang,Xuchao Zheng,Yongyue Ning,Zhongdong Wu,Xiaoyu Feng,Gangyong Li,Zhongyuan Huang,Zongqian Hu.


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